How to Support Your Sacral Chakra

The qualities of a balanced Sacral Chakra

A balanced sacral chakra allows us the freedom for self-expression, fun, fertility and creativity. Our ability to birth a project or child will be supported with a healthy flow of energy in the second chakra. When balanced we have a healthy connection with our senses, feelings, emotions and needs. In relationships there will be a healthy exchange of play, passion and pleasure. When this chakra is balanced assists us to create harmonious relationships, connections and set boundaries.

An unbalanced Sacral Chakra may manifest as:

  • Blocked creativity/self-expression

  • Inability to give birth something, whether that be an idea, project or child

  • Unable to let go

  • Suppression of desires/pleasure

  • Disconnect from sexuality

  • Desire to control or manipulate others

  • Selfishness

  • Dependence on others for approval and self-worth

  • Disconnect from feelings, emotions and needs

  • Fear of experiencing pleasure

  • Fear of intimacy

  • Blurred boundaries

  • Frigidity

  • Impotence

  • Sex addition

  • Blame, guilt, low self-worth

  • Money issues

  • Power plays

Archetypes and the Sacral Chakra

Archetypes are universal patterns we play out. Each archetype has both a light and shadow side. Awareness of the type of archetype/pattern we are stuck in helps us move from the disempowered shadow side to the more empowered quality. Patterns may show up as a reoccurring situation, unhealthy relationship, health issue etc. These life experiences and the patterns we play out are there to show us where we may be blocking our self-growth. Becoming aware of these patterns, gives us choice on whether we continue to play out these limiting patterns, or learn from their teachings. To learn more about the light and shadow aspects of each archetype, see Caroline Myss Archetypes Gallery.

The following exploration of the archetypes in relation to the sacral chakra is sourced from Chakras and Their Archetypes by Ambika Wauters. This may help you get further clarity on the current pattern you may be stuck in and the qualities of a more empowered functional archetype to develop. Ambika Wauters has identified certain archetypes relevant to the qualities of each main chakra, which provides further insight into understanding limiting patterns impacting your energy systems and how to change that.

Dysfunctional Archetype for the Sacral Chakra: Martyr

Sacrifice best describes the nature of this archetype and a sense that they are deserving of their suffering in life. They put others needs before their own as they feel guilt and underserving of pleasure and happiness. They may do this out of a need for love and approval, as the theme of the Martyr is feeling underserving of receiving love. There’s a sense of purpose to support and care for others, at the detriment of their own health and happiness. Failure to acknowledge their own needs will lead them to exhaustion, depletion and unfulfillment. They will harbour deep anger and resentment if that sense of commitment and loyalty is not returned. Unfortunately, this type of sacrificed is accepted in society, making it more difficult to acknowledge as an unhealthy and disempowering behaviour.

Functional Archetype for the Sacral Chakra: Empress/Emperor

The Empress/Emperor archetype understands the importance to value and honour their own needs to create health and happiness. They will still support and nurture others, but not to the detriment of their own wellbeing. This archetype acknowledges and acts upon their desires, self-expression and is proud of their achievements and successes. Life flourishes in this energy and beauty and abundance surround it. “There is an aura of well-being, and an innate sense of sweetness in life to this archetype” (Ambika Waters, Chakras and Their Archetypes). There’s not only an ability to manifest earthly pleasure, but there’s a strong sense of being deserving of receiving this abundance. The light side of this archetype is a healthy and loving sense of self, despite the physical possessions.

How to support your Sacral Chakra

  • Ignite your creativity – Allow yourself to tune into your creativity. What lights you up? What makes you feel good? Begin to incorporate some fun activities into your life. Start small them begin to let it build. Do it for you and not anyone else. Create that time and space for you. Tell yourself you’re deserving of that time and get present and lost in the project.

  • Connect with your senses. Eat something you love and really taste the flavours. Buy yourself some flowers, wear something that makes you feel good, have a long bath adding some essential oils and music, do whatever feels good for you.

  • Bring more play into your life – Play with a pet, a child, dance, sing, play a game.

  • Express yourself – Acknowledge what you want and learn to express and act on it. Write it down in a journal, share it with someone you can trust who will support you until your confidence builds, sing, do an acting, comedy or presenting course, create a blog or social page. Get comfortable expressing your inner creative fire.

  • Grounding exercises – Anything to make you feel connected to the Earth. Take your shoes off and walk on the grass outside. Envision you’re a tree connected to the earth with strong roots. Go for a walk out in nature and get into the present moment, take in the energy of your surroundings. Grounding is extremely important for the Base Chakra (link to Base Chakra) also, as both energy centres require a strong connection to the Earth to allow the energy from the higher centres to manifest on the physical plane.

  • Connect with like-minded souls – Visit a friend, go out to lunch, call for a chat.

  • Connect with the Earth – Do gardening, plant trees, swim in the ocean, immerse yourself in nature.

  • Create a vision board – Put together images that inspire you and help you connect with a feeling and vision of how you want your life to be. What do you want to attract, how do you want to feel? Put a collage together to create your future.

  • Wear more orange or blue – Wearing or incorporating more orange can provide more energy to the sacral chakra energy system. You may need more blue to calm the energy centre if you feel your energy is being expressed with manipulative tendencies, power plays or controlling others. Trust your instincts. Ask your body what it needs.

  • Positive affirmations – help you re-wire your old beliefs with new ones. Repeat regularly, write them down, post them somewhere to view regularly. If specific affirmations showed during your session with me, repeat these daily. Below are some more general affirmations relevant to supporting the sacral chakra.

I am enough

My creativity flows effortlessly

I love being me

I am free to express myself and my needs

It is safe for me to let go and release what no longer serves me

I acknowledge my mistakes, forgive myself and know that I am loved

I love, embrace and express my sexuality and sensuality


Tobar, H, Mcfarlane, K 1998, Chakra Hologram 1 – The Major Chakras, NK Institute Pty Ltd, Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia.

Chakras and Their Archetypes by Ambika Wauters


What is NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology?


How to Support Your Base Chakra